Do you own some laying hens? Or maybe you want to raise meat birds? Want to learn more about where your food comes from? If you have an interest or are already raising poultry, for eggs or meat, then we encourage you to join us for our very first Poultry 101 Workshop. Taught by Shane and Elizabeth Stuart, the farmers of Crossing Creeks Farm, they have over a decade of experience raising poultry of all kinds. You'll get a chance to not only learn the do’s and don’ts of raising poultry but also get to see the farm’s brooder room, chicken coops of all sizes, and hold some baby chicks and turkeys. Here’s a list of some of the topics that will be covered:
raising day olds, including brooder needs
feed options and supplements
housing requirements
stationary vs. mobile coops
finishing times for meat birds
basic breed options
differences in raising chickens vs turkeys and ducks
Much more will be touched on, plus you’ll have an opportunity for Q&A.
Class prices: $60 per adult and $40 per child (ages 12-17). Please email us at to get registered but we also except walk-ins. 100% of this goes to the non profit for our farmer grant program.