Have your little ones join us every Thursday morning at 10:00 starting April 18 through May 23 for a farm themed story time lead by our very own mother, Mrs Susan. Each morning will start with 3-4 books hand picked by Mrs Susan with songs, dance, nursery rhymes, flannel board and/ or hand puppets incorporated into that day's theme. Our themes are Ee-i-ee-i-o, Egg-cellent Friends, 'C' is for Cow, Baa Baa - Oink Oink, Creepie Crawlies and How Does Your Garden Grow?. Children ages 3-5 are welcome to participate. Older and younger siblings are welcome to attend but we ask that they sit with parents/guardians. And these story times are absolutely FREE! We would be incredibly grateful if you could please make a $20 or higher donation to the nonprofit to help us continue our farmer grant program. This can be given as cash, check or with card HERE. Plan to attend all 6 story times with your preschoolers this Spring but attending all 6 is not a requirement.
A Note for Parents/Caregivers: We can’t wait for you and your little ones to join us for Story Time! Be prepared to be amazed at this laid-back, fun and low-tech experience at the Farm. For your little one to get the most out of your time together, we ask that you put down your cell phones, put away toys & snacks and enjoy an engaging time with your little emergent reader!